
Challenges and solutions that we have considered.

1: User adoption

A key success metric for the Pledge mechanism will be the number of users making Pledges. The more widespread Pledges are, the more valuable Pledge information will be and the more use-cases can be explored.

In order to maximise the number of users we have ensured we have a low barrier to entry (Pledge any NFT, Pledge without holding a Crowdsurf NFT) and are prioritising social utility (Twitter sharing and community rewards).

2: Wallet history

Pledges are active, voluntary and by design do not consider the past activity of a wallet. Diamond-handed holders and degen flippers will therefore start at the same point and not be awarded (or penalised) for past behaviour.

This can be unfair to existing Diamond-handers but is however a natural consequence of introducing a novel mechanism and we view it as an opportunity to start fresh - to choose what you have conviction in.

3: Time requirements

Similar to the above consideration, it will take time for an investor to accrue Investor Tiers and Achievements which in a fast-moving market is a disadvantage. Our approach has therefore been to ensure Pledges can be made at (or before) mint and the barriers to entry are as low as possible.

Following this, those who begin Pledging sooner will also accrue Investor Tiers sooner than those who Pledge at a later stage. Our current solution is to design our Investor Tiers with a limit of 10 and increase the points required to move up higher Tiers.

Last updated